In collaboration with Triumph, we have created a stunning one-off custom DGR 10th Year Anniversary T
SAFETY TIPS Here we will break down the key safety checks and riding tips for any classic and vintag
To celebrate a decade of riding dapper for men’s health, The Distinguished Gentleman’s R
The term “motorcycle mecca” has been overused these days by events that draw a larger-th
For any classic and vintage motorcycle enthusiast, an oil change is a regular part of your maintenan
As a direct result of our community’s wonderful fundraising, two innovative new approaches to
In June 2020, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Social Connections Challenge was announc
Since our inaugural year in 2012, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride has run on the last Sunda
In partnership with Movember, we’re proud to announce a new $4.35M USD Mental Health Grants Fu
How many of you have gone and had a PSA test after learning about prostate cancer through DGR?
You’ve heard it time and time again, this is a strange year. You know why – you’ve
William “Bill” Moore from Chicago tells his story on why he rides in DGR. Shot in Chicag