Riding For Men's Health
On Sunday May 18th 2025 around the world, the global DGR community will come together and celebrate in trademark dapper fashion.
Classic & vintage styled motorcycles riding for a cause.
Risk Waiver & Consent
By subscribing to Café Racer Aficionado PTY LTD trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride", you agree to the following terms and conditions:
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride is an initiative promoted by Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride".
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride has adopted international best practice standard ISO 31000:2018 - Risk Management Guidelines. Risk management principles and guidelines as well as local health and safety acts, regulations and codes of practice to reduce any risks associated with The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) ensuring your safety and enjoyment.
All subscribers of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, including any person who donates to the charity through a subscriber, agrees that they will participate in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative and will do so at their own risk, acknowledging the risks associated with riding a motorcycle as driver or passenger on a public road.
It is expressly acknowledged that The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride does not expect, arrange for, or suggest that any subscriber of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride or any other person however connected to a subscriber of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride should ride their motorcycle at any particular time or in any circumstances. Any decision by a subscriber or by any person connected with a subscriber who elects to ride a motorcycle on any day at any time and for any reason is solely responsible for adhering to their local state or province road rules, and must be appropriately licenced and registered to ride their motorcycle within their local jurisdiction.
To the fullest extent possible, under the laws of Australia and the jurisdiction of New South Wales, as a subscriber to The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride you agree that by participating in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative you release, discharge and agree not to sue Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd including its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, contractors and beneficiary charities from any and all losses, liabilities, costs, claims and causes of action including, but not limited to any accident, any personal injury, death or property loss or any other foreseeable consequence resulting directly or indirectly from or in any manner arising out of, or in connection with your participation in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative.
You further acknowledge that any beneficiary charity to which donations are made by subscribers to The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride has no role in or responsibility for organizing, operating or controlling the initiatives and activities of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride.
You also agree to indemnify Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride" and its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, contractors and beneficiary charities for any loss, liability or costs that they may incur at any time arising or that may arise, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission by any party during or related to The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride (whether negligent or otherwise), including, but not limited to, your failure to abide by any laws where you reside whether local, state or province and any road rules within that jurisdiction or you otherwise fail to abide by any information displayed on The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride website or on any The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride social media platform including information given to you in any format by Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as " The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride " and or its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, and contractors.
While The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride is not an organiser of any motorcycle ride or any activity connected with motorcycle riding, by subscribing to this website, you specifically acknowledge that riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity with obvious risks and that you are riding a motorcycle at your own risk.
You understand that riding a motorcycle involves risks that may cause various injuries and that such injuries may result in death or serious disability. You also understand that riding a motorcycle is physically demanding and that in susceptible people riding a motorcycle may induce additional risks.
You acknowledge that that there are key risks that may be associated with participating in any motorcycle ride at any time and for any reason include the risks of injury arising from;
1. Failing to adhere to entry criteria.
2. The malfunction of a motorcycle resulting in an incident or accident.
3. Failing to wear appropriate personal protective equipment or wearing inappropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
4. Any collision with another vehicle or with any stationary object.
5. Any accident caused by riding a motorcycle in unsuitable, inclement or dangerous weather conditions.
6. Riding a motorcycle while intoxicated through the consumption of any substance resulting in an accident or incident.
7. Riding a motor cycle at a speed that it inappropriate or dangerous for the road conditions cycle or otherwise exceeding the speed limit applicable to the road in the jurisdiction or altering your speed where you are riding a motorcycle whether to reduce the distance between your motorcycle and another motorcycle rider or for any other reason.
8. Deliberate or unexpected incursion by motorists into the road where you are riding a motorcycle or into a group of riders of which you are one.
9. Inadequate parking at start, finish and stop locations.
10. Local law enforcement canceling the ride
11. Excessive sun exposure resulting in dehydration, fatigue and sunburn
By ticking this box, I hereby release Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride" its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, contractors and beneficiary charities and any other persons involved in or associated with The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride from any suit, demand, action or claim for compensation whether for personal injury or damage to property arising from my riding of a motorcycle.
I am legally eligible, competent and proficient in riding a motorcycle.
I am aged 18 years or over and am legally competent to sign this agreement.
If I wish to proceed with riding a motorcycle for any reason whatsoever whether that reason is motivated by or associated with The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative that I do so entirely at my own risk of injury or bodily harm to myself or my passenger.
I will provide suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for my passenger and myself in full accordance with state legislation, reducing the consequences of personal injury as a result of an accident.
I understand all the local road rules and will follow them ensuring that I ride in the safest manner and consider the safety of others around me.
In the event of an accident, I will stop and offer assistance and call the relevant emergency services to ensure the safety and well being of those involved.
Media Consent
I acknowledge, that as a participant in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, and as the event is one of a public nature, I may be photographed or videographed during the day of the event. By participating, you give express permission for your photos to be shared across all DGR (Distinguished Gentleman's Ride) channels, DGR partner channels and media organisations. However, if you do wish to have a photo removed from our channels please email info@gentlemansride.com.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride is an initiative promoted by Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride".
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride has adopted international best practice standard ISO 31000:2018 - Risk Management Guidelines. Risk management principles and guidelines as well as local health and safety acts, regulations and codes of practice to reduce any risks associated with The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) ensuring your safety and enjoyment.
All subscribers of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, including any person who donates to the charity through a subscriber, agrees that they will participate in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative and will do so at their own risk, acknowledging the risks associated with riding a motorcycle as driver or passenger on a public road.
It is expressly acknowledged that The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride does not expect, arrange for, or suggest that any subscriber of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride or any other person however connected to a subscriber of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride should ride their motorcycle at any particular time or in any circumstances. Any decision by a subscriber or by any person connected with a subscriber who elects to ride a motorcycle on any day at any time and for any reason is solely responsible for adhering to their local state or province road rules, and must be appropriately licenced and registered to ride their motorcycle within their local jurisdiction.
To the fullest extent possible, under the laws of Australia and the jurisdiction of New South Wales, as a subscriber to The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride you agree that by participating in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative you release, discharge and agree not to sue Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd including its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, contractors and beneficiary charities from any and all losses, liabilities, costs, claims and causes of action including, but not limited to any accident, any personal injury, death or property loss or any other foreseeable consequence resulting directly or indirectly from or in any manner arising out of, or in connection with your participation in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative.
You further acknowledge that any beneficiary charity to which donations are made by subscribers to The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride has no role in or responsibility for organizing, operating or controlling the initiatives and activities of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride.
You also agree to indemnify Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride" and its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, contractors and beneficiary charities for any loss, liability or costs that they may incur at any time arising or that may arise, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission by any party during or related to The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride (whether negligent or otherwise), including, but not limited to, your failure to abide by any laws where you reside whether local, state or province and any road rules within that jurisdiction or you otherwise fail to abide by any information displayed on The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride website or on any The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride social media platform including information given to you in any format by Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as " The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride " and or its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, and contractors.
While The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride is not an organiser of any motorcycle ride or any activity connected with motorcycle riding, by subscribing to this website, you specifically acknowledge that riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity with obvious risks and that you are riding a motorcycle at your own risk.
You understand that riding a motorcycle involves risks that may cause various injuries and that such injuries may result in death or serious disability. You also understand that riding a motorcycle is physically demanding and that in susceptible people riding a motorcycle may induce additional risks.
You acknowledge that that there are key risks that may be associated with participating in any motorcycle ride at any time and for any reason include the risks of injury arising from;
1. Failing to adhere to entry criteria.
2. The malfunction of a motorcycle resulting in an incident or accident.
3. Failing to wear appropriate personal protective equipment or wearing inappropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
4. Any collision with another vehicle or with any stationary object.
5. Any accident caused by riding a motorcycle in unsuitable, inclement or dangerous weather conditions.
6. Riding a motorcycle while intoxicated through the consumption of any substance resulting in an accident or incident.
7. Riding a motor cycle at a speed that it inappropriate or dangerous for the road conditions cycle or otherwise exceeding the speed limit applicable to the road in the jurisdiction or altering your speed where you are riding a motorcycle whether to reduce the distance between your motorcycle and another motorcycle rider or for any other reason.
8. Deliberate or unexpected incursion by motorists into the road where you are riding a motorcycle or into a group of riders of which you are one.
9. Inadequate parking at start, finish and stop locations.
10. Local law enforcement canceling the ride
11. Excessive sun exposure resulting in dehydration, fatigue and sunburn
By ticking this box, I hereby release Café Racer Aficionado Pty Ltd trading as "The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride" its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, contractors and beneficiary charities and any other persons involved in or associated with The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride from any suit, demand, action or claim for compensation whether for personal injury or damage to property arising from my riding of a motorcycle.
I am legally eligible, competent and proficient in riding a motorcycle.
I am aged 18 years or over and am legally competent to sign this agreement.
If I wish to proceed with riding a motorcycle for any reason whatsoever whether that reason is motivated by or associated with The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride initiative that I do so entirely at my own risk of injury or bodily harm to myself or my passenger.
I will provide suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for my passenger and myself in full accordance with state legislation, reducing the consequences of personal injury as a result of an accident.
I understand all the local road rules and will follow them ensuring that I ride in the safest manner and consider the safety of others around me.
In the event of an accident, I will stop and offer assistance and call the relevant emergency services to ensure the safety and well being of those involved.
Media Consent
I acknowledge, that as a participant in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride, and as the event is one of a public nature, I may be photographed or videographed during the day of the event. By participating, you give express permission for your photos to be shared across all DGR (Distinguished Gentleman's Ride) channels, DGR partner channels and media organisations. However, if you do wish to have a photo removed from our channels please email info@gentlemansride.com.