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I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Wednesday 20th Mar 2024

On Sunday the 19th of May, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember.

Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Team

Italika México

With 32 Riders

My Sponsors

Ricardo Salinas

$150,000 USD


$10,010 USD

George Lopez Foundation

$5,000 USD

Paul Papile

$3,010 USD


Thank you for your commitment to such a worthy cause. Congratulations to Jaime and DGR from EQIBank

$3,000 USD

Jaime Camil

$2,010 USD


Duranos mil años !!!

$1,040 USD


$1,010 USD


We support you! - Mandy & Oliver

$1,010 USD

Armando Gamborino

$510 USD

Ben Silverman

$510 USD


Good luck! Liz

$510 USD

Margo, Ralph & Jordan Kidushim

Good Luck Jaime!!

$510 USD

Charo García Acevedo

Si proud of all you do !! Helping our communities is a priority!!

$260 USD

Stephen Espinoza

Proud of what you do for our community. Gracias!

$260 USD

Alberto Abed

$208 USD

Herc Gomez

$208 USD

Nicolas Bijan

$208 USD

Jason Panther

We are delighted to have the opportunity to pursue our passion while aiding others. We hope to see you there.

$208 USD

Ivan Chavez


$208 USD

Jack Donovan

Apoyo al movimiento 333💪

$208 USD

Jose Ramon Ochoa G

Bravo, well done!!!!

$208 USD

Dr. Justin Raanan

Proud of you !

$208 USD


$208 USD

Larry Freedman

$200 USD


Keep kicking ass Jaime!

$104 USD

Melissa Trouyet

Go james!

$104 USD

Ray Jimenez

Have a great ride!!!

$104 USD

Danielle Marie Owens

Get after it! 🏁🏁

$104 USD


Gracias por organizar esto, Jaime. Dios te bendiga.

$104 USD


$104 USD

Karina Esquivias


$104 USD

Daniel Habif

Abrazo y bendición!

$104 USD

Rob Weston

Proud of you brother!

$104 USD

Socorro Solis

Good luck!

$62 USD

Juan Musi

$62 USD


May God bless you and all the riders with a beautiful and safe ride.

$62 USD

Desiree Juarez

You rock!! Go get ‘em

$62 USD


$62 USD

Marie Leguizamo

$62 USD

Ascension Merchante Gil

Gracias Jaime por tu apoyo siempre,eres el mejor.

$26 USD

Rocío González

Gracias por esta buena causa Jaime. Te admiro mucho. Rosy CDMX

$21 USD

Dan Carrillo Levy


$21 USD


$21 USD

Rigoberto Chavez

$21 USD

J Luis L Ham

Siempre apoyando!

$21 USD

Ascen Merchante Gil

Jaime mis felicitaciones por apoyar esta necesaria causa,la cual me llega muy de cerca.Gracias!!!

$21 USD

Roxana Hernandez

It’s awesome what you are doing god bless you I know it’s not a lot but I send it with all my heart :)

$21 USD

Mike Bulman

$21 USD

Ann Harada

Bravo dear one

$21 USD

Martín Mireles Vázquez


$21 USD

América L-R

Apoyando desde PA. Te escuché con Maxine W.

$21 USD

Jose Francisco Sosa Garcia

De todo corazón para quien lo necesite

$21 USD

Affan Tareen

Let’s do this!

$21 USD

Oscar De La Cruz

We need to help each other, Bravo!! For your example and participation. Wish you the best always.

$10 USD


$8 USD

Angel Gabriel Vazquez Tavera

Ojalá sea uno de los afortunados de ganar una moto

$5 USD

Ricardo Duran De La Peña

$2 USD

Local Ride Sponsors