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Raised so far

$ 64

My goal

$ 1086

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My Blog

It's tomorrow!

Sunday 19th May 2024

I'm having technical difficulties with the DGR App. It won't let me insert text, upload a map or post most of my pictures! The picture I have managed to upload is of the turning at km3 (of the route) on the CV 141. The next turn is right onto the N340a. We pass Bar Sevilla at km10 and camping Vinaros at km20. At Dalmau Garden Centre, km24, we turn right onto the coast road. For the rest of the journey we keep the sea on our left. We cross the bridge into Vinaros and turn left by Frenesi Disco, km31, we turn right into the tunnel and at the far end stop at the Royal Bar for coffee and cake. We restart the ride and continue towards the port of Vinaros turning left at Bar Classic, km32. We pass the bullring and continue to follow the coast road, passing Alegria Camping at km39. We pass by the port of Benicarlo and turn left by the Parador, km42. We continue to follow the coast until we get to Aguadoliva where we have to go inland to cross the 'river' and then back to the coast road. Then we head towards Avenue Papa Luna (avoiding the cobbled section) and arrive at Mandarinas, km48. Simples.

Less than 24 hours to go.

Saturday 18th May 2024

I'm still getting daft messages from the DGR App. Never mind here's a picture.

24 hours to go.

Saturday 18th May 2024

We have 29 riders signed up in Peniscola. I'm in 54th position overall in Spain. There are 100 Jeffreys taking part this year. My job for the day is to put up the signposts for the route.

A picture.

Monday 13th May 2024

When I did the blog update the system refused to upload a picture and gave me a message something like 'You can only upload the picture you choose'. I'm just checking to see in the system's marbles have been returned unharmed.

One week remaining.

Sunday 12th May 2024

So where are all these scooters that I was told about? Don't leave it to the last moment to sign up. And if you can't attend, you can always sponsor a rider. 

First of May 2024 update.

Wednesday 1st May 2024

We now have eleven riders signed up and about €300 in sponsorship. There are a number of items to be sorted out, like the exact route and timings. Also where we are going to stop en route. Rest assured it will all be sorted in the next couople of weeks. I'm led to believe that we are having some scooters and classic bikes joining us too.

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Thursday 21st Mar 2024 On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Sponsors


Shame to have missed it again

$56 USD

Jef Proudfoot

Hello to me.

$23 USD

Christine Thomas

Good luck with the ride

$23 USD

David Lewis

Good luck!

$23 USD

Liz Waterfall

Loving your work.

$23 USD

Christine Walsh

Good luck!

$22 USD

Patricia Tarot O'Connor

$22 USD

Debbie Mabbutt

$17 USD

Jose Waddingham

From Jose Waddingham.

$11 USD

Christine Davy

$11 USD

Local Ride Sponsors