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My Blog

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride on May 19th, 2024

Tuesday 26th Mar 2024

Dear family and friends,

Thank you so much for sponsoring me in the upcoming Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men's mental health. I want to take a moment and say a few words about why I support this event and why your generous contributions are so meaningful to me:

Prostate cancer took my grandfather and a generation later, it tried to take my father. Fortunately, in one generation, enough research had taken place that my father was treated and cured.  Today, every male in my family, including me, must be vigilant to ensure that we are not falling victim prostate cancer. There is still much work to be done in the control of prostate cancer and I hope that the funds from this event will further those efforts.

Mental health issues took my best friend at age fourteen and like so many people who have experienced losses like this, I had no indication that a person so close to me was suffering with thoughts so traumatic that it would cause them to terminate their life. Many who have experienced a loss like this often wonder if they missed something or if there is something they could have said or done that would have changed the situation.  It is my hope that the funds from this event will assist people facing mental health issues and educate the general public on how to identify and assist those facing mental health issues.

Finally, it probably did not go unnoticed that this event requires a motorcycle ride and many of you know that I need no special reason to get on my bike and ride.  However, this ride is different, and everyone participating on May 19th, has a reason for being there.  For me, I ride in memory of family and friends who have made this cause so personal and significant.

Thank you again for your generous support.


P.S. Pictures below in gallery are from 2023 event. I will post updates after 2024 event.

My Sponsors

Kristin Hetzer

$208 USD

Shari Pierce

Happy to support, thank you.

$104 USD

Sharon & Bill

$104 USD

Phil Sutter

$104 USD

David Yee

$104 USD

Joe Alessi

Ride on Phil!!

$104 USD

Bruce Goddard

Ride safe!

$104 USD

Donna Sutter

Enyjoy the ride and thank you!

$104 USD

Herb Milks

Have a great ride Phil.

$104 USD

Frances Sutter

Good luck Phil!

$104 USD

Jeff And Betty Stelzl

Phil, Thanks for being a sponsor. Hope you have fun on the ride!

$83 USD

Larry Leno

Phil, have a great ride.

$62 USD

Dave /Pam

Good Luck, have fun

$62 USD

Larry Sutter

$62 USD

Donald & Sheri

$52 USD

Diane Ireland

Great cause - happy to help support you!

$52 USD

Suz, Stu & Frankie

Go Phil Go!!! 🏍️

$52 USD

Chuck & Therese Baucher

Thanks for bringing awareness to such important issues. Have a safe ride

$31 USD


$20 USD

Local Ride Sponsors