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I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Sunday 14th Apr 2024 On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Team

Hedon Helmets

With 59 Riders

My Sponsors

Ilka/ Minigraf

Es ist eine mega Aktion zu einem Thema was wirklich oft nicht angesprochen wird und sehr wichtig ist. Super das du das machst. Heute viel Spaß auf dem Trip. Wenn es noch möglich ist würde ich gerne am Gewinnspiel noch teilnehmen 🤗 Bis bald Grüßle Ilka

$204 USD

Thomas Alan Tucker

$113 USD

Toni And Ian Xx

$68 USD

Tabea Schiemann

What an important cause! My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and underwent radiation therapy - now we hope he has beaten it. But mental health and suicide prevention are so important too and still often overlooked. So thank you for raising awareness about them. Enjoy your ride! Really wish I could be there to see it, but I would be thrilled to participate in the raffle.

$68 USD

Jo Flint

Always happy to support you with this. Enjoy the ride!

$57 USD

Conny Bach

Important message to be supported! Joining the raffle is also nice. Have a good ride tomorrow with hopefully no rain!

$45 USD

Sandra Bitterli

$45 USD

Anja Hüttebräucker

$45 USD

Flynn White

Good luck Rob! I hope you have a good one!

$45 USD

Christiane Mueller

As always, happy to support you for this wonderful cause. Lots of love and have a great ride!

$43 USD

Hayley Dunbar

As a thank you, as I didn't get to see you in person today. Best wishes for the rest of your time in Hamburg xx

$34 USD

Nadine Schaefer

What a good cause! I know so many men, who have and have had this cancer. And supporting the best count Krolock ever feels twice as good! Great action! All the best🫶

$28 USD

Franzi Nieswandt

... #2, because first I understood that every donation goes into the raffle pot🤷🏻‍♀️ after I was too shy to ask for a picture at the midnight ball-I would be very happy to win 1 of the great 3 prizes in the raffle🍀❤️

$25 USD

Christiane Peiler

Have a great ride! I hope that a lot of money will be raised!

$25 USD

Franziska Nieswandt

... unfortunately, it is currently not possible for me to donate more, but I hope your goal will be exceeded in order to raise more awareness of this issue❤️ good luck & best wishes!

$25 USD

Laura Cooper

Good luck with the fundraising and have the most amazing ride x Live the coopers

$23 USD

Vincent Van Gorp

Good luck my friend!

$23 USD

Mel. R.

Happy to support you 🍀 To all the men out there💪

$23 USD


$23 USD

Andrea Riepen

Hello Robert, it's great that you're drawing attention to this important thing. I would be happy to give something in return. As a fan of TdV, I would definitely like to take advantage of the chance to win. That's why I would also like to take part in the competition.

$23 USD

Kristin Erdmann

very happy and grateful to support you with this project! Also I would like to participate in the Gewinnspiel, and win the fangs, the CD or of course the Meet & Greet 😊

$23 USD


Ich möchte am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen.

$23 USD

Nina Tissberger

Eine tolle Aktion für die ich gerne etwas spende . Diese Krankheiten benötigen viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Hoffentlich kommt noch mehr zusammen. Ich würde gerne am Gewinnspiel für die Backstagetour teilnehmen.

$23 USD


Raffle teeth please

$23 USD

Lauren Robinson

$23 USD

Vera Oppermann

Hi Rob, ich möchte gern beim Gewinnspiel mitmachen 🍀 I would be happy with everything but the backstage tour would be my personal dream! Fingers crossed! Thanks for this wonderful charity!!!

$23 USD

Jannis Lübbe

I enjoyed your performance as Graf von Krolock two times and would like to participate in the competition.

$23 USD


Good idea, important message, good luck for your donation🍀 I would be honoured to win the meet and greet in the Operettenhaus with the Krolock who hooked me from his first note (and I saw a few😉). BR, Tina

$23 USD

Nadine Schaefer

Hello Rob! Have a good start to an exciting weekend! Have a good tour tomorrow! I'll donate again now. I forgot to write, that I would really like to take part in the competition. Of course I hope for a „meet and greet“. But it's wonderful, to donate again in this way for this important campaign. I wish you much success and a great tour on Sunday! thank you for your commitment for Prostata Cancer. All the best, Nadine

$23 USD

Rachel Bahler

Kick some ass! Raise some awareness! You rock.

$23 USD

Tina Nowara

Tolle Aktion - tolle Leute Die Backstage-Führung würde mich interessieren 👍🏻🥰

$23 USD

Rachael Murray

Wishing you a great ride for a great cause! Looking forward to following your journey.

$23 USD


$23 USD

Jennifer Colditz

Thank you <3

$23 USD

Hayley Dunbar

Great cause, very happy to support you again!

$23 USD


It’s the 29th of May, so first things first: happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for supporting this wonderful project. Please put me in the raffle for the backstage tour. Thank you. Cheers, Kristin

$23 USD

Caroline Cröpelin

No idea if I can still win something, but I wan't to support you. If I can still join: the Backstage Tour would be great! Dance of Vampires is currently helping me in hard times. That's why I help you

$22 USD


Danke für alles was du tust. Für deine geniale Arbeit in deinem Job ebenso wie für dein großherziges Engagement.

$22 USD


Ich habe selber kaum Geld, deswegen nur emso wenig. Aber ich finde es toll, dass du darauf immer wieder aufmerksam machst und finde es sehr unterstützenswert. 🤎

$11 USD

Nicole Pophanken

Danke das du darauf aufmerksam machst. 💚

$11 USD

Clara Weiland

Eine tolle Aktion. Ich möchte auch gern beim Gewinnspiel teilnehmen🥰

$11 USD

Fleur Voerman

Dear Rob, that is a great cause, thank you for raising awareness, it is so important.

$11 USD

Dani L.

A Meet and Greet with you would be great and perfect. Leider kann ich als alleinerziehende Mama nicht mehr Geld spenden.

$11 USD


Ich möchte am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen.

$11 USD

Elaine Sexton

$11 USD

Dan O’Connor

$11 USD

Kezia Coulson

$11 USD


Tolle Aktion!! 🙏🏻❤️

$11 USD

Rhoda Young

Sorry it's not much but I know every penny counts. Well done again Rob & I hope to see you & Sharon again soon. X

$6 USD

Melanie Redlich

Donation yesterday was without my wish but with ❤️ to all men out there. It would be great to be part of the backstage tour 🦇🧛‍♀️

$2 USD

Dani L.

Ich habe eben schon 10,40 € gespendet und jetzt nochmal 2 €,damit ich bri deinem Gewinnspiel mitmachen kann.

$2 USD