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$ 736

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My Blog

DGR 2024 is a wrap. Thank you all!

Tuesday 21st May 2024

A huge shout out to all who donated to this year's DGR and for supporting my participation in this awesome global event!

I woke up Friday with a bad cold which did not get any better on Sunday, BUT I suited up regardless and rode to Hamilton where we had an amazing turnout of 150+ riders AND raised over $150,000! Meeting some of these great people made me feel a whole lot better. 

Kudos to all the great riders who suited up and saddled up yesterday and thanks again to all who donated.

See you next year. 

Much love.❤️ 

I'm riding as part of the 2024 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride!

Thursday 11th Apr 2024

On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, I will be heading to Hamilton Ontario where I'll be taking part in the annual Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. I will be joining fellow men and women from around the globe, raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember.

Men die, on average, six years earlier than women for largely preventable reasons, and their number is growing.

So, before I gas up my bike and polish my boots, I'm asking if you will join me in helping to raise funds and awareness by donating whatever you can afford for this meaningful cause. Let's help the men we love to live happier and healthier lives.

Thank you, for your time and your support.
Mark aka Blanco

My Sponsors

Jamieson Robinson

Great cause!

$76 USD

John Kilpatrick

Great cause, happy to support. But now I really want a Guzzi or Triumph!

$38 USD


Great cause! Thanks for the support, EASY RIDER!

$38 USD

Jesse King

$38 USD



$38 USD

Amelia GRAY

$37 USD

Marina Campbell


$37 USD

Tom Rose

Have a safe ride Mark.

$37 USD

Mark Matthews

$15 USD


Great Work!! Love you!!

$15 USD

Kyla Rowntree

Whoot whoot! Such an important cause! Thank you!

$15 USD


$15 USD


Enjoy the ride, Mark!

$15 USD


$15 USD

Saba Saneinejad

$15 USD

Local Ride Sponsors