Sponsor Me

Raised so far

$ 5432

My goal

$ 25000

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My Blog

Architect For A Day

Tuesday 30th Apr 2024

I will come to your home, measure your space, and deliver a plan of your residence, complete with furniture, suitable for framing. Includes copy of drafting file usable as a basic wall and space layout of existing conditions for future renovations. ($4,000-$6,000 value)

Los Angeles locations only and maximum residence size of 2,000 square feet. As I sketch your layout right in front of you, I will gladly discuss design opportunities, to be executed by others, and answer any questions you may have about home renovations.

Donate $1,000 to my ride page per request.

Donation Guidelines

All donations should NOT be anonymous and include your Instagram handle or email in the comment so I can reach out for next steps on design assistance.

To eliminate the perception of this professional service as "moonlighting", the work described above will not extend to further architectural services beyond this charitable donation structured format. I am happy to recommend anyone to local residental architects.

City Host Prize Collection

Tuesday 30th Apr 2024

Malle Moto Pannier X Black

For a chance to win a Malle Moto Pannier X, simply donate $25 to my page before noon PST on May 19 with the comment "Malle" (donate multipes of $25 for more chances) and I will pick one winner on Sunday June 2, 2024 at 11:00am PST.

Prize Eligibility Terms

Pannier must have a minimum of 10 donations for a chance to win. Donations should NOT be anonymous and additionally include your Instagram handle or email in the comment so I can reach out to winners.

My Team

Distinguished Riders Los Angeles

With 66 Riders

My Sponsors


$3,000 USD


Happy to support such a great cause!

$2,510 USD


$2,510 USD

Jonathan Hafemann

$2,500 USD

Benjamin Kerr

$1,010 USD

Donald Leonhardt

Amazing Job, Partner!!

$650 USD

Jeff Jarrett

Good luck Anthony!

$510 USD

Denise Slenski

$510 USD


$510 USD


$510 USD


Thanks for your commitment to this each year! Have a safe ride!

$310 USD

James Anderton, CxA, LEED GA - Salas O'Brien

Proud to have been a supporter of such a good cause since 2015. Hope to ride in 2025!

$310 USD

Drew Shula

$300 USD

Fidelity Charitable Mario Fuentes

$300 USD

Thomas Smith

Glad we continue to support each other. Sister Thomas would be proud!

$260 USD


Thanks for faithfully supporting this important cause Anthony!!

$260 USD

Jane & Jan Gross

May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face.

$260 USD

Jim Ogden, 3QC

Inspiring and such a great cause! Thanks Anthony!

$260 USD

Jerry And Jennifer Croft Fund

$250 USD

Keith Thompson

Remember: ATGATT

$208 USD

Kevin Rosenstein

Thank you for your commitment in this effort

$208 USD

Leah Beal

$208 USD


Way to go, Anthony! Keep up the good work.

$208 USD

Barry Schlesinger

$208 USD


Ride on my friend. thanks for your continued commitment to Men's health.

$208 USD

Kirsten Ritchie

$208 USD

Jon Strassner

Thank you Anthony!

$208 USD

Don Leonhardt

$200 USD

Ricardo Rodriguez

Cheers from Brooklyn!!

$200 USD

Colleen Reem

$175 USD

Anthony Brower, LA City Host

$114 USD


$104 USD

Katie M.

Thank you for supporting mental wellness!

$104 USD

Bonnie Misseri

happy to sponsor you and donate to a great cause. have a great ride.

$104 USD


$104 USD

Chuck Berg

Agnes needs a helmet, please!

$104 USD

The Syska Hennessy Team

Appreciate you supporting this cause each year. Have a great ride.

$104 USD

Michael Volk

Well done Anthony !

$104 USD

Stephen Smith

$104 USD

Timothy Bromiley

$104 USD

Rives Taylor

$104 USD

David Briefel

$104 USD

Stacey Olson

Thanks for all you do!

$104 USD

Deanne Erpelding

Thank you, Anthony! Happy to support this great cause.

$104 USD

Mary Faria

You're an inspiration, Anthony!

$104 USD

Christine Barber

$104 USD

Steven Straus

Anthony Thanks for sharing and being bold! Steve

$104 USD

Monique Minto-Gonzalez

Ride on!

$104 USD

Atila Zekioglu

All the best!

$104 USD

Sheri Bonstelle

$104 USD

Leonard Sciarra

All good my friend, up to the wire.

$104 USD

Neill Brower

$104 USD

Joseph Oliveri

Sorry for the delay. i hope this donation will help the people in need

$104 USD


$104 USD

Tom Ito

Have a great ride! This is for a worthy cause.

$104 USD

Ben M.

Congrats on your 10th anniversary of this ride and for leading the charge in supporting critical research!

$104 USD


Great cause! Happy to help!

$104 USD

Kent Bonner

Eternal gratitude my friend

$104 USD

Jim Stanislaski

Ride on brother- thanks!

$104 USD

Marika Erdely

I love your charity work!!

$104 USD

Sal Chirico

Good luck!!

$104 USD

Michael Merritt

$78 USD

Heidi Creighton

$62 USD

Julia Ragragio Ruiz

Thank you for your commitment to this cause!

$62 USD

Mun Yi Cheng

$62 USD

Neely Hukill

Thank you!

$62 USD

Beth Marrier Leggett

$62 USD

Alana Davidson

Good luck on your ride!

$62 USD

Eric Gannon

$62 USD

Maria Perez

Happy to contribute!

$62 USD

June Bardwil

Thank you for supporting this great cause!

$62 USD

Carol Lang

Keep riding!

$62 USD

Benjamin Holsinger

Thanks so much for making such a difference!

$62 USD

Anthony Brower

Patch Sales

$60 USD

Laurence Brodsky

Tony: Happy to hear you're still involved & active in this cause. I am getting on toward retirement and will not be signing and sealing on a regular basis once my insurance term is up in June. L.

$56 USD

Nermine Zahran

Well done Anthony 👏

$52 USD

Jeff Davis

$52 USD

Erica Sturges

Thank you for your dedication to this cause!

$52 USD

Sara Neff

Go Anthony!

$52 USD

J+J+Q+R+Z Genzuk

$52 USD

Annie Alleman

This is for Allister, forever 17.

$52 USD

Kevin Conklin

$52 USD

Teresa Calantoc

Happy Birthday, my brother! Love you! Have a great ride!

$52 USD

Gabe Hanson

Best of luck meeting your goals. The Triumph Bobber is a sweet bike btw!

$52 USD

Bryna Fiedler

$52 USD


All hail the Juggernaut, Anthony Brower!!!

$52 USD

John Zinner

$52 USD

Elaine Brower

$50 USD

Justin Di Palo

$31 USD

Ismar Enriquez

Go get it, Anthony. Mental Health affects us all. Hopefully, with the upcoming new role, I could contribute more.

$31 USD

Domenic Cristofaro

Well done, Anthony!!! Best regards, Domenic

$26 USD

Margherita Strandberg

$26 USD

Beth Simmons

Hi Anthony, Keep on riding!

$26 USD

Sherry Peck

Hugs to you!

$26 USD



$21 USD


$21 USD

Seth Strongin

$21 USD

Emily Stephens

$21 USD


$21 USD

Nathan Cherry

$21 USD

Charles Elliott

$21 USD

Andrea Chuchvara

Girl with the PhD in construction

$21 USD

Juliette Morgan

$21 USD

Eric Randolph

Keep the rubber side down!

$21 USD

I&F Patch 🫡

$10 USD

Fábio Costa


$2 USD