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$ 135

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$ 977

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My Blog

Getting ready - bike issues

Saturday 18th May 2024

After getting the moonboot off I thought I'd better get the bike out and go for a spin. A quick trip to work resulted in a few break downs on the way there and back. The next day the same thing. 
a bit of time working on the carbies and the bike has come good 🤞 

A big clean today of the bike today and I think I'm ready for tomorrow. 🏍️

Back on the bike

Tuesday 14th May 2024

The moon boot is finally off (doesn't feel much better) and I'm back on the bike. 
just a simple ride to work today to blow out the cobwebs and let's say I'm glad o did. The bike was not happy to be ridden in such cold weather and conked out 4 times. Nothing to dangerous early in the morning with little traffic. But the trip home was much more pleasant. The sun was out and the bike behaved. 
I'll squeeze a few more of these in before Sunday. 

Getting closer

Tuesday 30th Apr 2024

With the ride getting closer I'm still unable to get out with the team and assist as my ankle is still not the best.
I'll be there on the ride day though. 

it was good to catch up on Sunday with a few of the Melbourne crew though going through ride details before they went out again to test the proposed route. 
days like this don't just happen, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes and a lot of key people involved. When I help out leading up and on the day is a small amount compared to some other people. 
This post is to celebrate the hard working planners of the Melbourne DGR support team. This photo is from a DGR approx 5-6 years ago. But I know most of these people will still be there leading up to and on the day helping out. 

Not much riding on the lead up to the DGR- injured

Thursday 11th Apr 2024

There won't be much riding taking place on the lead up to this years DGR.

I'm currently in a moon boot helping to aid a fracture in my ankle. Don't be alarmed, this injury did not take place on a motorbike. It was sustained snowboarding last year with initial x-rays not showing the damage.

I'll still be activley riding on the day being in the DGR lead group, helping to corner mark and guide the hundreds of riders through the beautiful streets of Melbourne.

37 days to go!

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Wednesday 3rd Apr 2024

On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding for the 10th time in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember.
Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I don my suit and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Team

VJMC Mornington Peninsula

With 1 Riders

My Sponsors


I expect a large moustache!

$135 USD

Peter Spyker

$84 USD

Darren Smith

Well done Chris great cause

$69 USD

Chris Woodford

$41 USD

Andrew Pritchard

$41 USD

Erik Zuker

$40 USD

Janelle Woodford

Dad, we are super proud of you and the excellent work/money you raised so far. Keep up the good work!! Love Will and Mads xx

$35 USD

Peter Spyker Snr

$34 USD

Kim East

$34 USD

Amanda Dartnell

$33 USD

Claudia Milton

Go Chris!

$33 USD

Sandra Mills

$27 USD

Tobias Suen

Go Chris!!!

$23 USD


Love the helmet

$21 USD


$14 USD

Mark Goatlow

$10 USD

Local Ride Sponsors