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My Blog

Salisbury ride.

Tuesday 26th Mar 2024

Ten years ago I joined some friends on a ride around London, simply for the joy of being with friends and getting out on the bike. All the excuse we need. It turned into something amazing, seemed like a thousand bikes and riders, all dressed dapper and being very particular about being nice. I then joined Dutch and the team in London as a Marshal for a couple of years. Moved to Dorset and joined Chelsea and the crew in Salisbury to support them. Now I have lead the ride in Salisbury for a couple of years.

What a journey DGR has taken me on. Had my own issues with prostate cancer scares and supporting friends with mental health issues. 

I now have stage 4 cancer and my personal battle with cancer is taking front page. I am still leading Salisbury and intend to support this ride into the future. 

This year I am riding to remember people we have lost from our team in Salisbury and their families.

Please join me if you can in Salisbury and support this most brilliant of rides 

Paul, Salisbury host. 

I'm Riding for Men's Health in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Tuesday 26th Mar 2024 On Sunday the 19th of May 2024, I'm riding in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride with fellow men and women across the globe to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of Movember. Men die on average 6 years earlier than women and for largely preventable reasons. The number of men that are suffering is growing, and we need to do something about that. So, before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I'm asking you to join me in raising funds and awareness for these causes by donating what you can for this meaningful cause and to help the men we love, live happier and healthier lives.

My Sponsors

Paul Eaton

$341 USD

Paul Eaton

$79 USD

Nishant Jayadev

$32 USD

Ally Nash

Good luck for the bike ride, keep going!

$25 USD


$13 USD

Richard Barratt

$13 USD

Selena Radford

Good luck Paul Lots of love xx

$13 USD

Craig Irwin

Never met u but u sound like a top bloke, good luck👍

$13 USD